Hello! I’m a creative producer and science communicator with expertise in content writing, curriculum development, and visual storytelling across various media. I specialize in simplifying complex topics—especially in climate science and public health—into clear, engaging narratives.
Throughout my career, I’ve written and designed scientific reports, created graphic explainers, produced online educational videos, copyedited a textbook, written and managed grants, and contributed to a variety of other media projects and scientific initiatives.
This website is a documentation of personal and professional work across various media, particularly in writing and photography. The narrative topics that are particularly compelling to me are the daily life perspectives of children, the imposing weight of climate issues, grassroots activism, artisan processes across the world, and citizen science, among others.
My CV is available upon request, but below are some quick examples of my work and skills. Thank you for looking through my work!
The Earth Institute
Copywriting, editing, & graphics creation for the textbook, The Age of Sustainable Development.
Curriculum Development & Creative Production for the corresponding Coursera class.
The Parker Foundation
Copywriting for The Parker Foundation website.
Trailer scriptwriting for the Casey Neistat & unreleased Maris Jones classes.
Curriculum script/production plan developed for New Yorker cartoonist, Jason Adam Katzenstein.
Copywriting for the Living Infrastructure Field Kit website.
Copywriting for over 100 explanatory articles in the Help Center. Note: If you cannot log-in, here are some samples.
Public Health Institute & California Department of Public Health
Mapping Analysis & Capstone Thesis: “Nitrates, Arsenic and PCE in California Public Water Systems”.
Planetary Boundaries Science
Copywriting, Science Translation & Design for the 2024 Planetary Health Check Report & Executive Summary.
aditishahphotography at gmail dot com