This is a landscaping project I worked on for 2 years, in an effort to manage the overgrown weeds and vines, as well as establish native wildflowers, plants as well as other pollinator flowers. Given the significant weeds and vines (both oxalis and non-native grass), it was on ongoing effort that I anticipated would take about 5 years to complete.

I did multiple tests throughout the garden to understand where wildflowers would and wouldn’t grow, and how much maintenance without pesticides I would have to do to allow wildflowers to compete with the weeds. I unfortunately had to move out before I had a chance to fully establish my vision, but I learned a lot about native wildflowers, seed-starting, over-wintering, landscaping, the multi-year process of establishing certain plants, and the give and take of working with overgrown gardens.

Below are the before, process, and “after” photographs, taken with both film and iPhone.

1. The Original Garden, as well as process photos.

2. Photos of the garden, wildflowers, and pruned vines after 2 years.


This is an in-progress landscaping project I’m designing and gardening on my own in Albany, CA.

  1. Before/Initial Planting

    The gardening area was sparse other than a few overgrown bushes that I pruned or removed. The owners wanted a garden that interspersed vegetables/herbs with pollinator plants (as many native as possible).

2. Progress/Iteration

After the native wildflowers died down, I planted in vegetables to harvest for the late summer/early fall.